Sunday, 10 October 2010

This isn't me being depressive. Just contemplative.

"...This is a real time philosophy question. The kitten's in this box, definitely gonna die at some moment, and Manual Cunt asks if it may as well be called dead already, technically, unless somebody's there to see it alive, to know it exists'
'Wouldn't it be easier just to stomp on the fucken kitten?'
'It's not about wasting the kitten, asshole' You can tick Jesus off real easy these days. His logic got all serious.
'What's the fucken point, Jeez?'
He frowns and answers real slowly, digging each word out with a shovel. 'That if things don't happen unless you see them happening- do they still happen if you know they're gonna- but don't tell nobody...?'
As the words reach my ears, the mausoleum shapes of Martirio High School slam into view through the trees. A bitty chill like a worm burrows through me"
- Vernon God Little, by DBC Pierre

Sunday, 4 July 2010

11 Reasons Why I Will Not Be Seduced by eBooks

Kindle? Bitch please.
1. A book doesn't run out of battery
2. A book can't crash
3. They are electronic, so you can't read them in the bath
4. You can't press flowers in an eBook
5. You can't have first editions. There is no historical reverence in plastic.
6. You miss out on the fantastic old book smell
7. You can't annotate them or doodle in the margin
8. If you're downloading books, it means your not browsing second hand book stalls, which lets face it, is the most fun you can have without getting naked
9. You can't write in the front if your giving it to someone. Some of my most treasured books are those given to me by Dad where he has written a message to me in the flyleaf.
10. You can't casually lend someone a book because they are all locked up in a cold metal shell.
11. Real books are more durable. You drop it in the sea, spill your coffee on it, all you have to do is leave it to dry out and it's ready to go again. When books get bashed about it adds character. There is a pink stain from an ice lolly on a page somewhere in my copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which always reminds me of being about 7 and reading it at Bourne open air swimming pool.
Beat that Apple.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

So no-one told you life was gonna be this way...

Sorry for the silence, I've been a bit under the weather recently, but mainly I am just quite lazy. I'm back at Uni now, I hadn't realised how much I missed my little student house til I got back. I need a lot of stuff around me to feel relaxed at home. When I was a wee little Fresher and was feeling miserably homesick, I plastered the walls of my room with photos of my friends and family, and things did start to get a little better. Since we've got this house for the whole year, it means I don't have to move out, so stuff can amass, and boy do I have stuff. Why I need two pairs of free cinema 3D glasses and a bowler hat in my room I do not know, but it's comforting to have around. Having club night flyers and gig tickets on your wall shouldn't make a house at home, but for me, it does.
Right, moving on.
Chances are if you are reading this, its because you've been directed here by my closepersonalfriend Claire, who has been tirelessly promoting this weedy little blog on her fabulously voluptuous and sexy blog, Jazzpad. If you have some how stumbled onto this without her direction, I implore you to check it out. Hm. If I was a functioning memeber of the blog community I would be able to a cheeky link to it, but I don't know how. So search for it. Trust me. It's worth a google.
In the spirit of shameless flattery and love, here are some things that are brilliant things about Claire, that you may not know.

1. She is actually a man. Sorry, that's not even funny.She is in fact a beautiful lady.
2. She is an innate traveller. She has an internal TomTom and Rough Guide built into her DNA, I swear. We went on holiday to Prauge (fantastico trip and city btw, though the clock was a bit of a let down) and she managed to navigate our way across the city in the dark to our hostel, using the underground system, which was all in Czeck (what do they speak in Prauge!?) and then throughout the trip she somehow knew exactly where to go, and how to use trams and buses ect.
3. She is a part time chauffer With her trusty steed, Paris, she has taken me all over the country, to many gigs, the odd airport, garden centres,Belmont Tower, numerous shopping trips, and even offered to give me lifts back from home from Uni. She is a generous soul and a very safe driver, she never crashed once (though I did alarm her with some news once ", just no...she knows what I'm talking about...I hope)
4. She's good at French Seriously. At school, she kicked le ass.
5. She is a trooper This is a girl who looks like she's just strolled off the pages of Vouge, and who manages to oraginse her life with military precision, who is always there for her friends, or anyone who needs her, can throw a dinner party that would blates win on Come Dine With Me, can party like Lady GaGa, who manages to be lovely, funny, genuine and insightful, and manages to do all this even when she may be feeling poo on the inside. She is stronger than diamonds, and infinitely more precious.

Here is a photo of us in our natural sate, laughing our heads off

I write all this not in hope of a reciprocal write up on her blog, I writing it because she is....there isn't quite an adjective that can sum her all up...wonderful, brilliant, lovely? Jazzy? Fanbloodytastic? I am aware that I am starting gush now, so I'll call it day, and leave you with the wisdome of Kelly Clarkson, life would suck without you.


Monday, 19 April 2010

Four Eyes and Stolen Spotify

Hello lovely people,
I am writing this to the dulcet tones of Will Young having sucessfully hacked into my Mum's Spotify account. Since I'm too cheap to fork out for Premium, and don't know any kind soul who can invite me, I am having to share the magical music treasure trove with my Mum and my Sister. It works out brilliantly actually, because they both have absolutely fantastic and bizarre music tastes, here is a taste of the playlist I am currently listening to, entitled "Soph's Hot Choons"

-Lionel Richie, Hello
-Missy Eliot, Get Ur Freak On
-The Velvet Underground, Venus in Furs
-Chas n Dave, Rabbit
-Gene, Fighting Fit
-Simply Red, Holding Back the Years
-Skream, In for The Kill

Pretty groovy, I'm sure you'll agree. I'm also adjust to life as a glasses wearer, since my eyes have decided that after 20 years of loyal service, they want to be shaped like rugby balls (it's called stigmatism apparently), and give me gip when I read. So I have glasses that make me look like a cross between Supernanny and a David Tennant shaped Doctor. What a glorious image for you.

Anyway, today's prcrastination and narcissim comes from the Guardian. As you may know, in their Weekend magazine they have a section with set questions which a different person answers every week. I thought it would be a jolly wheeze if I did it.

Q:When were you happiest?
A: By a big bonfire in Venezuela...or most recently, on a sofa in Oxford

Q:What is your greatest fear?
A: The dark, and not being there for the people I love

Q:What is your earliest memory?
A: Sitting next to my sister, eating cheese, watching the delivery men pack up our stuff as we moved house, from Rotheram to Grantham.

Q:Which living person do you most admire, and why?
A: I feel I should say some human rights activist, or a revolutionary politician, but I'm not going to lie to you, it's Lady Gaga. Because she lives purely for the aesthetic, and makes groovy music

Q:What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Q:What is the trait you most deplore in others?
A:Being narrow minded

Q:What was your most embarrassing moment?
A: Crying at breakfast and having to be looked after by the dinner lady during Freshers Week.

Q:Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought?
A: Not sure, it's fair to say that a large part of my income is somewhere in a Topshop cash register. Or the flights to Venezuela.

Q:What would your super power be?
A:Super healing powers. I'd be able to cure cancer with a hug. Ewwww, that sounds so saccharine, but it'd be more useful that Batman. What does he do? Just speaks in a gravelly voice and swoops around in a cape like a fool.

Q:What makes you unhappy?
A: Cruelty. And the 10 o clock news.

Q:If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?
A: Wooly Mammoths. They looked like fun

Q;Who would play you in the film of your life?
A: Mickey Rourke in drag? A well trained labrador?

Q:What is your most unappealing habit?
A: Having "stupid attacks"- basically a very unique freak out.

Q:What is the worst thing anyone's said to you?
A: If someone was saying something bad about you, would you want me to tell you?

Q:What is your guiltiest pleasure?
A: Rocky Horror.

Q:What do you owe your parents?
A: A LOT of money, a brilliant childhood, and strong Northern genes.

Q:What does love feel like?
A: Warm

Q:Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Q:What is the worst job you've done?
A: I tried to do my sister's hair on her prom night. It didn't go well.

Q:What has been your biggest disappointment?
A: Not getting into the NME tour in 2003 (Maximo Park, Arctic Monkeys, We Are Scientists, Mystery Jets) due to it being over 18 only. It still hurts.

Q:If you could go back in time, where would you go?
A: End of the Nineteenth and beginning of the Twentieth Century. I'd try and hang out with the Bloomsbury Group.

Q:How do you relax?
A: Youtube

Q:What is the closest you've come to death?
A: Heart issuses when I was 6 months old

Q:What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
A: Ability to manipulate time

Q:What do you consider your greatest achievement?
A: Making friends with people

Q:What keeps you awake at night?
A: Thoughts about deadlines

Q:How would you like to be remembered?
A: With a parade and a national holiday

Q;What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
A: Things never stay the same.

There! This has been a very wordy entry. Next time I'll put up some pretty pictures and interesting things.
A Bientot, K xxx

Thursday, 15 April 2010

And it's just the sort of thing that we don't talk about anymore...

Bonsoir Chums,

What don't you talk about?
I'm willing to bet that the subjects you don't talk about, are in fact at the forefront of your mind. It's always the topics that you have to surpress that are the ones that really matter to you, that really bug you. I mention this because recently, I've had two very frank conversations, one with my best friend who I've known for years, and the other with some one I have only just started to get to know. In both cases, we admitted something to each other that wasn't exactly a secret you would have to take to the grave, but not something we were particulary open about. If this sounds mysterious and coy, you're going to be disappointed. The shocking admissions were (baited breath and drum roll please)...that we had blogs and that we had read American Psycho. Yeah. Dynamite I know.
Have you read American Psycho? It's a good book,'s horribly twisted. I mean, it is sick. It has graphic scenes in it that I don't want to even briefly describe. There is a underlying political message throughout the book, commenting on the decay of the American dream, but basically it is a nasty book. I watched the film and had nightmares about Christian Bale breaking into my Uni halls and killing me. It's not exactly the kind of book you would want someone reading over your shoulder on the train, you wouldn't really want to be associated with it. And there's the rub. If it's such a repllent book, why on earth am I reading it? Why did I even buy it? I don't have a straight forward answer to that, but please don't close down your browsers thinking you've stumbled on that kind of blog, I'm not a creepy psychopath myself...I just read about them. Oh dear. It sounds even worse when you try to justify it.
However, as Bloc Party once said "We must talk about our problems, We are in a state of flux". When my new Uni friend casually mentioned Bret Easton Ellis, I suddenly wasn't alone. Here was another normal person talking rationally about American Psycho! It's ok! It wasn't just me! She was exactly the same, she wasn't singing the books praises from a mountain top, but we discussed it, clarified that it was utterly and completely disturbing, and had a good old geeky English student analysis of it. Once things are out in the open, they aren't as scary or as bad anymore.
As for admitting to the general public that I write a blog, well, I'm not quite there yet. But I have a partner in crime, so things are looking up.
Hopefully, if I've done this right, below should be the song that the title of this post is taken from. It's an absolute cracker by the Mystery Jets called Veiled in Grey, so if the link doesn't work, Spotify or Youtube, it will make you want to skip through a meadow and pick flowers.


Flux by Bloc Party. This one will make you want to go to Rock City and get sweaty.
With love and squalor, K xxx

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Half a League, Half a League, Half a League onwards...

It has taken me far too long to figure out how to actually write on this. I wouldn't be surprised if my technophobia makes
my first post my last. I'm not even sure why I've started a blog. It is rather an odd practise, since as far as I can gather, you write with the intention of imparting your wisdom to your readers. It seems a rather conceited enterprise. Unless you have great knowledge on a particular subject, you are writing with just the hope that people have nothing better to do with their time than search the Internet looking for your opinions. I'm aware that what I've just written sounds incredibly bitter, and extremely superior. It says a lot about me as a person that I have just expounded this rather snobbish summation on blogging, yet I articulate it within my own blog. What a dichotomy. I'm not as stuck up as I come across in writing, I promise you. At least I hope I'm not. If you want to delve even deeper into the contradictory nature of my opinions, the truth is I love read other people's blogs. I've just recently discovered the joy in what I was lampooning a few sentences ago. I love peeking at other people's lives, seeing how they represent themselves, reading about a day to day existance totally removed from
my own. However cynical I might sound, life fascinates me. So maybe this is a case of the lady doth protest too much. A self defense mechanism. I'm pointing out the vanities and flaws that people could find in my blog, and acknowleding them, before anyone else gets a chance.
Well. That's enough narcisstic introspection for one day. I'm going to make one resolution right now. If this blog ever become self depricating moaning drivel, I shall stop and do something worthwhile with my life. If anyone out there notices signs pathetic ego stroking, please shout out and tell me to shut up.
I'm now trying to think what I can type to give you an representation of my personality. I often think that when you fill out the ubiquitous "about me" in various Internet profiles, there is a huge gulf between how we want peope to percieve us, leading us to write things like "I'm spontaneous" or "I want to join the circus", and who we really are, and how people actually see us. In the words of Scroobius Pip, "We want to be loved for who we appear to be instead of who we are / So our real selves hide behind a confident facade". You, dear imaginary reader, will have already built up your own view of me from what you've thus far read, that is probably more accurate than anything I could tell you, or lead you to believe. It's the inane platitudes that you find in profiles that makes me laugh. "I like hugs". Who doesn't like physical displays of affection!? "I don't like peope who lie", because there are those peope who just love being decieved. Ugh, I am descending into bitter ranting already, that resolution is going well isn't it!
What you might like to know:
- 19 years old
- English student at Nottingham University
- Adores T. S. Eliot
- Is compelled by Chuck Pallahniuk
- Wishes she was fashionable enough to include photos of outfits, and extremely admires those who
do so
- Terrified of Frank the bunny from Donnie Darko
- Sticks pages from Vogue on her walls
- Have terrific trouble telling the time and doing mental arithmetic
- Believes in swearing like a trooper when annoyed, politness and courtesy in public situations, and stiff upper lip when in trouble.

Until I figure out how to use this again, I remain your devoted servant,
K xxx
