Sunday, 11 April 2010

Half a League, Half a League, Half a League onwards...

It has taken me far too long to figure out how to actually write on this. I wouldn't be surprised if my technophobia makes
my first post my last. I'm not even sure why I've started a blog. It is rather an odd practise, since as far as I can gather, you write with the intention of imparting your wisdom to your readers. It seems a rather conceited enterprise. Unless you have great knowledge on a particular subject, you are writing with just the hope that people have nothing better to do with their time than search the Internet looking for your opinions. I'm aware that what I've just written sounds incredibly bitter, and extremely superior. It says a lot about me as a person that I have just expounded this rather snobbish summation on blogging, yet I articulate it within my own blog. What a dichotomy. I'm not as stuck up as I come across in writing, I promise you. At least I hope I'm not. If you want to delve even deeper into the contradictory nature of my opinions, the truth is I love read other people's blogs. I've just recently discovered the joy in what I was lampooning a few sentences ago. I love peeking at other people's lives, seeing how they represent themselves, reading about a day to day existance totally removed from
my own. However cynical I might sound, life fascinates me. So maybe this is a case of the lady doth protest too much. A self defense mechanism. I'm pointing out the vanities and flaws that people could find in my blog, and acknowleding them, before anyone else gets a chance.
Well. That's enough narcisstic introspection for one day. I'm going to make one resolution right now. If this blog ever become self depricating moaning drivel, I shall stop and do something worthwhile with my life. If anyone out there notices signs pathetic ego stroking, please shout out and tell me to shut up.
I'm now trying to think what I can type to give you an representation of my personality. I often think that when you fill out the ubiquitous "about me" in various Internet profiles, there is a huge gulf between how we want peope to percieve us, leading us to write things like "I'm spontaneous" or "I want to join the circus", and who we really are, and how people actually see us. In the words of Scroobius Pip, "We want to be loved for who we appear to be instead of who we are / So our real selves hide behind a confident facade". You, dear imaginary reader, will have already built up your own view of me from what you've thus far read, that is probably more accurate than anything I could tell you, or lead you to believe. It's the inane platitudes that you find in profiles that makes me laugh. "I like hugs". Who doesn't like physical displays of affection!? "I don't like peope who lie", because there are those peope who just love being decieved. Ugh, I am descending into bitter ranting already, that resolution is going well isn't it!
What you might like to know:
- 19 years old
- English student at Nottingham University
- Adores T. S. Eliot
- Is compelled by Chuck Pallahniuk
- Wishes she was fashionable enough to include photos of outfits, and extremely admires those who
do so
- Terrified of Frank the bunny from Donnie Darko
- Sticks pages from Vogue on her walls
- Have terrific trouble telling the time and doing mental arithmetic
- Believes in swearing like a trooper when annoyed, politness and courtesy in public situations, and stiff upper lip when in trouble.

Until I figure out how to use this again, I remain your devoted servant,
K xxx


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